See My Potential

Disclaimer: Every body and situation is different. The predictions in this calculator are based on averages from a clinical study and are not guaranteed.




*The average retail price of Ozempic®. That means $827 more in your pocket each month!

Don’t worry; the journey isn’t long :) Just need you to fill out our intake form first so we can make sure this is a safe choice for you! Note that the intake review and consult for a semaglutide prescription is $75.

  • By purchasing semaglutide through ZipFit, you’ll be automatically enrolled in ZipFit’s basic wellness program, at no extra cost. You’ll get:

    • PracticeBetter account for tracking diet, exercise, and other lifestyle habits and goals

    • Weekly reminders and check-ins to keep you on track and monitor progress

    • Ad-hoc virtual support - you can shoot a message to us at any time with general questions

    Want a little extra support? Head here to check out some of our additional wellness offerings.

  • To minimize side effects and get your body used to the meds, we start you off on a low dose and gradually increase — every 4 weeks — until we hit 2 mg semaglutide per week, the target maintenance dose.

    • Month 1: 0.25 mg/week

    • Month 2: 0.5 mg/week

    • Month 3: 1.0 mg/week

    • Month 4+: 2 mg/week

    While research indicates the 2 mg/week maintenance dose to be most effective, we’ll work with you to figure out what’s right for you; if you’re feeling great on 1.0 mg/week, we can keep ya there!

  • We got a special “first 3 months***” deal for all our new ZipFitters. Here’s what’s shakin’ bacon:

    1. Pay $600 upfront for your first 3 months ($200/mo). You’ll get your 3-month supply of meds shipped to you in one fell swoop.

    2. Pay $287 every month for the first 3 months. Meds will be shipped to you monthly. No commitment; you can cancel at any time and we won’t charge you again.

    For months 4 onward, pricing depends on your target maintenance dose, which will likely be 1 mg or 2 mg per week. This is something you’ll work out with the ZipFit medical team!

    • 1 mg/week maintenance dose: $291/mo****

    • 2 mg/week maintenance dose: $431/mo****

    ***Note that “month” here refers to 4 weeks, not calendar months.

    ****For 3-month (12-week) supplies and upfront payment. We also offer monthly shipment and payment options for an additional $60-100/month.